Pools Updated (DASH 12.01.03)

Here's just a quick post to let everyone know that we have completed the upgrade of all P2PoolMining.Us nodes to DASH version 12.01.03. The latest release of DASH is considered a maintenance release which does not contain any new features. However, it is suggested that everyone upgrade to this latest release as it does contain the following bug fixes; fixes a bug in … [Read more...]

All Pools Updated to Dash 11.02.22

We recently completed a major update to all of our P2Pool Nodes here at P2PoolMining.Us. The updates not only included an update for the DASH Core Wallet but we also did some significant updates to the p2pool node software that we run on all of our p2pool nodes. Dash Core Version 11.02.22 The latest release of the Dash Wallet software is version 11.02.22. In this release … [Read more...]